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Cub Scout Pack 3607
(Oshkosh, Wisconsin)
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Welcome to Pack 3607

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 3607 based out of Franklin and Roosevelt Elementary Schools in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  Cub Scout Pack 3607 has been in existence since 1959. We are chartered (sponsored) by Oshkosh AMVETS Post#7.

In Pack 3607, our membership is around 40-50 boys and girls from all grade levels.  Kindergarteners are Lions; First graders are Tigers; second graders are Wolves; third graders are Bears and fourth and fifth grader are Webelos.  Each grade level meets at least twice a month in den meetings.  Once a month all of the dens meet together for a pack meeting.  Generally speaking, our pack meetings occur the third Monday of the month and are held in the gymnasium at Franklin Elementary, beginning at 6:30 PM. Most months include other special den or pack activities such as outings, Scouting for Food, our annual Blue & Gold Banquet, the Pinewood Derby, etc.

Our program calendar is year-round.  However, most "required" activities (all activities are optional, though missing some may leave "homework" for boys to complete with their families) take place during the school year.  Our 2019-20  Pack calendar looks like this:
  • September - program kick-off & start of the popcorn sale
  • October - outing with Bobcat workshop, outdoor games, cookout, campfire & overnighter
  • November - Bobcat awards & popcorn sale wrap-up
  • December - holiday party
  • January - 5th Grade Webelos Scouts BSA Crossover Ceremony
  • February - Blue & Gold Banquet & Pack Movie Day Event
  • March - Focus on Electives
  • April - Pinewood Derby, Scouting for Food service project
  • May - graduation party, Memorial Day Processional
  • Summer 2020:
    • Brat Fry Fundraiser?
    • Pack picnic
    • Resident Camp @ Cub Scout World Camp Rokilio & Gardner Dam
    • Timber Rattlers game w/ tailgating & overnighter

Covid-19 Update

For any/all meetings in person, we will be following these guidelines:
  • Masks for all present, unless the meeting is outside with LOTS of space between participant.
  • Social distancing (6 ft) at all times.
  • Hand sanitizer to be available and used prior (and during) to all meetings

Pack Leadership

 Dens  Leader
 Lions (Kindergarteners) - Boys
 Tigers (1st Graders) - Boys
 Wolves (2nd Graders) - Boys
 Bears (3rd Graders) - Boys
 Webelos I (4th Graders) - Boys
 Webelos II (5th Graders) - Boys

 Position  Leader
 Cubmaster  T.B.D.
 Asst. Cubmaster
 Committee Chair  Nick Paulick
 Treasurer  Valerie Bowman 
 Camp Coordinator  T.B.D.
 New Member Coordinator
Karen Kiggins