Troop 7's
Home Page

Boy Scout Troop 7
(Duluth, Minnesota)
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Welcome to the Troop 7 Website!

Troop 7 Overview:   

    Troop 7 was first chartered in the early 1920's and is one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in Minnesota.  Troop 7 is sponsored by the Family of God Lutheran Church.

    Scouts in Troop 7 typically meet every Monday evening at 6:30pm at Family of God Lutheran Church for either a Troop, Patrol, or PLC Meeting.  Troop Meetings provide time for the Scouts to work on advancement or skills, and to participate in fun group activities.  They are, for the most part, held on the first and third Mondays of the month.  Patrol Meetings (smaller groups of Scouts from within the Troop) are for small group activities.  They are either on the second Monday of the month or at another special time.  PLC Meetings are on the last Mondays of the month and are when the Scouts of Troop 7 plan out the schedule for the upcoming month.  Troop 7 schedules at least one weekend camping trip or other outdoor activity each month.  Parent Meetings are also held on the second Wednesdays of the month, excluding July, for adults in the Troop to meet and discuss issues, such as finances, camping equipment, fundraising, advancement, etc.  

Who Should Join Troop 7?

    Youth aged 11 through 17 that are interested in having fun while learning are encouraged to join.  (Boys that have completed the 5th grade or have earned the Arrow of Light Award may also join).  Prior Scouting experience is not required.  Youth may join Troop 7 at any time during the year.