Columbus Nebraska Pack 212 Webpage Welcome!
Pack 212 is a very active Parent Led Pack which meets most Tuesdays at First United Methodist Church-Outreach Center Located 3602 16th St. in Columbus Nebraska. Most meetings start at 7PM. With the help of their Parents and Parent Volunteers the boys and girls work on Scout skills, listen to guest speakers, develop their leadership skills, play team games, and much more.
Who We Serve
We serve boys and girls from communities in around Columbus, Nebraska. We actively recruit from the cities and towns of Columbus, Platte Center, Genoa, Monroe, and Silvercreek.
We actively try to recruit at the following places in our area:
First United Methodist Church, Columbus, NE
Emerson Elementary, Columbus, NE
Platte Center Elementary School, Platte Center, NE
Twin Rivers Elementary School, Genoa, NE
While we do have boys and girls and their families from these areas a lot of people at our pack join because they have friends or other family members actively involved.
How to Join
If your family would like to join our pack please contact our Cubmaster Cory Levos at 402-606-6153 or send an email to and we will be happy to assist you.
For more information or to sign up online visit