Cub Scout Pack 125 is part of the Harvest District of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA, in Lancaster, PA.
We are chartered by Grace Baptist Church and are beginning our 15th year.
Pack 125 runs an active, year-round program with membership averaging 50-60 boys in first through fifth grade.
New members are welcome and may join at any time.
The Pack meets each month from September through May, at Grace Baptist Church,
1899 Marietta Ave, just east of Rohrerstown. Please park in the rear lot off of Farmingdale Road, and enter through the doors at the left rear part of the building.
Our regular meetings are on Thursday nights, from 6:45 to 8:00 PM. Den Meetings, where the
boys meet separately by age group, are held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays.
Pack Meetings, where everyone comes together for awards and presentations are on the 3rd Thursday.
Leader Meetings are on the 1st Thursday.
Please feel free to visit! Any adult in uniform can help direct you to the right place.
For more information about Pack 125, please use the "Contact Our Pack" link at the top of this
page, and our Pack Leadership will provide you with more information.